Sunday 11 December 2011

Sweet Pea

I'm feeling a bit under the weather again (I'm writing this on Saturday night before work) but the show must go on! These were shot on Thursday (?!) down the street from our loft. This was actually the outfit I wore for our anniversary on Monday (I'm a serial outfit repeater! Oh no!). The monsoon kind of ruined the day's plans but we made the most of it and had a sweet MadMen marathon together (I finally gave in and started watching it on Netflix. Now we're hooked and only halfway through season 3). It was really nice day. Work on Friday night was a bore, but it tends to be that way during the holidays. Better things to spend your money on than booze! ;)  I picked up this pea green cardigan a few days ago and I really haven't taken it off since. It's the most marvelous color! Paired with cranberry tights and a wine colored coat, I felt pretty cheerful despite the fickle weather. (Psst... if you like my new peacoat then be sure to drop back by Tuesday! You could win a matching one thanks to Tulle!) This sweet bee brooch was made for me (and named after me!) by the lovely Elisha! I'm not going to lie, I get tickled pink when someone sends me a link or a gift that's bee related!

I'm supposed to be meeting up with some lovely gals this afternoon (Sunday), provided this head cold hits the road. I asked for some home remedies for the sickies on Twitter and got a wide variety of interesting replies! Let's see if any combination of them actually works! By the way, Christmas is two weeks away... I haven't made/bought/thought of the first present. I'm kind of the worst at holidays! Have you managed to get any of your holiday shopping done? Here's to hoping I can stick with my "handmade for the holidays" theme! xo

Forever 21 dress
Target cardigan
Kaelah Bee Brooch c/o Three Ponds Vintage
Target tights
Peacoat c/o Tulle
Vintage shoes, thrifted

PS; That second picture was included just because I thought this post needed something silly and light-hearted. I can't go very many frames without doing something a wee bit dumb.

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