Thursday 29 December 2011


i have been away for the holidays for the past few weeks on vacation. i  first off want to thank everyone for all of their comments while i was away!! it was so fun to get back and read all of them!! but, i wanted to share a few pictures and stories from our recent cruise to mexico... enjoy!

marcos and myself were going to go on a cruise about a year ago... we ended up canceling the cruise and therefore had a $500 credit. when christmas started rolling around this year, we decided that it would be something fun that we could do. neither one of us had been on a cruise and we had the credit, so why not, right?

we scheduled our cruise and made it to long beach, ca on saturday december 18, 2011. when we got checked in and finally got to see the ship, it was amazing. it was so huge! i was a bit nervous to be out at sea, in the middle of nowhere... it was just a tiny bit scary. but we did it! and we had the greatest time!
this was the view outside of the deck where we ate lunch on the first day. it was so pretty and the water was so dark. it was scary to think that we were just out in the middle of the ocean on a ship and just to think of everything that was below us, was kind of creepy.
after 1 day at sea, our ship arrived in cabo. we went through the crazy process of getting off the boat and on to the tenders so that we could reach land. after walking may 1/4 of a mile, there was a little stand with some cute pictures of little baby lions. we knew exactly what was happening. as we walked closer we discovered that some people in mexico had purchased 2 little baby lions and were charging tourists to hold them. of course we had to do it.

these little baby lions were the cutest things... they made the funniest sounds, too. nothing like you would think a lion would make.. it was more of a squeal than a 'meow' or a 'roar'. it was funny. after holding him for a few minutes, he became agitated and he was set in the crib with his brother for the next group of people to hold him. it was really a fun experience.
the next stop we made was in puerto vallarta. when we got off the ship and walked just a few hundred feet, there was a man who had a baby donkey and was charging a small amount to hold the donkey. and of course i had to do it!! just look how cute she was. although her hair looks super rough and wire-y, she was incredibly soft and she was the sweetest thing! she was just plopped on my lap and sat there. she didn't move or fight at all. she was adorable!!
marcos played in the casino on the ship a few times. i lost my $10 and he played with $20 one of the first days on the ship. we later went back to the casino and he went in with $30 and came out with $150. i was pretty excited. :)
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this is a short clip of some pictures i took outside of our balcony. the water was so gorgeous.

we had a really good time on the cruise. the only complaint that i would make is on the way back from puerto vallarta, we had 2 days at sea. by the second day at sea, we were so ready to get off of the ship... it was just really boring that last day. all we did was sleep and watch movies! ha. but i would definitely do a cruise again!

i hope that all of you had a lovely holiday season!

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