Thursday 22 December 2011

Heavy Metal Princess

I normally try to really edit down the number of photos I post per outfit because few things are more annoying that seventeen pictures of the same outfit/pose on a blog, but this is probably my favorite outfit ever. Like ever ever. If I were to try and explain my personality/style in any way, this might very well be it. It's pretty and pink, but totally edgy and fun. And I probably just made myself sound like a bafoon! Please forgive me.

I couldn't wait to wear my new Lita Spikes so I took them for a stroll yesterday when I had a little sweet coffee date with Maya. We headed over to Fiddlecakes on 8th and indulged in sweet treats and coffee. We talked about things that make us uncomfortable (like the feeling of terra cotta + unfinished porcelain, and the word "hangnail"), and shop/cafe dreams. She's totally like my soul sister and I'm loving her being in Nashville! If you haven't checked out her blawg then you absolutely should! After Fiddlecakes we ventured over to Textile Fabrics and rummaged through some of the most amazing printed cotton. She's a sewing + baking extroidinaire so I've pretty much volunteered her to ~*teach me her ways. One year of fashion design in college isn't quite cutting it these days! We said our goodbyes and then I picked up Mike for a late lunch at Chipotle. Then we ran a million and seven errands which included getting my Xterra back (Both CarMax + Nissan are at a loss for what happened to my car the other night. Let's just hope it doesn't happen on our trip to Chicago coming up!) Last night I had Mike make a handful of phone calls for me (I have like phone phobia. I hate talking on the phone to strangers!) and I bribed him with his choice of dinner. Works every time! Now we're taking it easy and about to watch a Paul Rudd movie I snagged for $5! (Have y'all seen Our Idiot Brother?! So good! I love P.Rudd so hard!) Anyway, that'll about do it for this entry I think! Oh, can I just say how much middle aged dudes + little old ladies love my shoes?! I've gotten stopped so many times by people generations older. Then again I think the vast majority of the population (y'all included maybe?!) think they're fug... but honestly, I'm in love!

H&M dress, via Plato's Closet
Target cardigan
Belts: thrift + Forever 21
HUE tights
Hive + Honey headband

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