Sunday 18 December 2011

lights bring memories

one of my favorite things about christmas is all of the fun lights everywhere. they liter the town and it's always so pretty. i remember being a young child and going out with family to see all of the magnificent homes with gorgeous lights all over. it was so much fun! lights always bring back memories of good times with family.

this is the first christmas without my grandpa. he would invite everyone over for dinner at his home. we would have a lovely feast and then everyone would help clean up after dinner. grandpa would then go over to his over-sized recliner and pull out the bible so that we could read the christmas story together before we opened presents. he always wanted the kids to understand the real meaning of christmas, and not the superficial christmas that includes santa, gifts and ribbons.

this happened every year. without fail. it's one of my most favorite memories as an adult, now, because i can appreciate what he was trying to do. when i was a child, all i could think of was what was under the tree for me and when i was going to be able to open it. i'm glad that my grandpa shared this tradition with our family.

did you have any fun holiday traditions or certain things that spark and bring back holiday memories?
[images from we♥it]

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