Sunday 4 December 2011

Pottery Barn Christmas Garland Tutorial: Welcome to the 150th Metamorphosis Monday!

Happy Met Monday!  Hope you've had a wonderful weekend.  I've been busy with more holiday decorating and today a friend and I took a local Christmas home tour.   I took some pics on the tour and I'll be sharing those sometime soon. In the meantime, I'm sharing the start of my Christmas porch metamorphosis with a link to a tutorial in case it's one you would like to copy for your own front porch.

Last year I shared this photo from a Pottery Barn catalog.  I had seriously been drooling over this photo in the catalog for two years straight.  It taunted me with its Christmas charm and sheer beauty.  I'm telling ya, my heart literally skipped a beat each time I opened the Pottery Barn catalog to this page. ~~~SIGH~~~

After lusting after this beautiful entrance for two years, I finally decided to get with the program and create the look for my own porch.  I briefly considered buying the garland, but when I realized the garland was only 5 feet long and it would take 2 strands of garland for each column I decorated, I decided to make my own.

I saved a bundle by making it myself and ended up getting the PB look for less than half of what it would have cost if I had bought the garland ready made from Pottery Barn.  Plus, I got the added bonus of "lit" garland; the PB garland isn't lit.  Here's a photo taken last year of the completed garland.

And here's a photo taken this evening.  I don't have the porch or door decorated yet, will be working on that this week, but I wanted to go ahead and share the garland tutorial now in case you too, have long lusted after that gorgeous Pottery Barn Christmas garland.  The garland is in their catalog again this year.  It must be a pretty big hit since they keep bringing it back.  It's that insanely gorgeous picture that sells it.

Here's a view of the garland with the porch light off.  If you would like to make your Pottery Barn inspired garland, for less than half of what the PB garland costs, you'll find the detailed tutorial here:  Pottery Barn Garland Tutorial-Make Your Own.

That same link contains a video showing how Pottery Barn created this gorgeous photo shoot for the catalog. Pssst: You know all that beautiful snow you see in the photo? Fake. Yep, faux snow. That's the magic of Pottery Barn.   They know just how to capture our hearts, don't they? :)

Happy holiday decorating!  Looking forward to your beautiful Before and Afters!

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