Monday 26 December 2011

Lavender Hues

This outfit is from late last week, though it'd work perfectly fine still today. It really hasn't felt like Christmas around these parts but it was so great to spend a few days with our families. Though I won't lie, it is nice to be back in our own house/bed! (Even if we did come home to my favorite lamp being busted into pieces! Little Enid likes to jump on things and being the new kitty mom that I am, I've yet to really cat-proof the house! Guess I'll do that now!) 

Our house feels like it's in shambles from the days and days of crafting + baking. Today is disaster control. We're going to clean from top to bottom (I secretly love to clean!) and get everything in order. I got a million pairs of ugly shoes for Christmas (read: awesome shoes, in my opinion!) so I need to figure out where on Earth I'm going to put those! My closet has kind of become a wreck, too! Hoping we can end the evening with a coffee date, just the two of us. I really enjoy our little hour or so dates where we just sit with mugs of coffee and talk about everything under the sun. Gonna get in all the time I can before Mike is eyeball deep in work again! 

Are y'all excited about 2012?! I'm usually not huge on New Years or "resolutions" but I'm exciting about the coming year... I know it's going to be a good one!

Forever 21 dress
Target cardigan
Target tights

The winner of the December Sponsor giveaway is #26: Isabella Redux! Check your email ladyfriend!

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