Monday 31 October 2011

A Poor Man's Dorothy

First off, let me just say this: Holy cow! Y'all really blew me away in response to yesterday's post. Your comments were so eloquent, sincere, and wonderful. It's so great to know that even in our vulnerable/uncomfortable situations, we're never alone. It's literally going to take me weeks to get back to everyone but please know that I've already started working on it! Also know that I read absolutely every single comment (about three times each!) and I'm so proud to call this little slice of the internet mine! You humble me daily and I'm so glad you can be part of my journey!

Since today is Halloween (Happy Halloween, by the way!) I thought I'd post what I wore to work on Saturday night for our "costume contest". I don't really get too wrapped up in Halloween (I know... so boring of me!) and I didn't want to spend any money (Frugal McDoogal!), so I opted to take the Speedy Girl dress from this post and style it up like Dorothy from Wizard of Oz. I didn't want to DIY any glitter shoes so I just wore some red flats and braided my hair. Close enough right? I spent exactly ZERO cents. Win! Maybe I'll get crafty next year, but this year I was fine just cruisin' through! It was a successful night at work (for the most part. May or may not have had a verbal showdown with an incredibly insufferable gentleman) and I'm ready to be productive this week!

Yesterday was spent thrifting and fawning over a rescue/special needs puppy we have our heart set on. More on that at another time! 

What are you dressing up as for Halloween? (Or what have you this weekend?) Did you do anything super fun and exciting for the ~holiday?!

Cupcake Princess dress c/o Speedy Girl
Forever 21 cardigan
Black tights c/o Foot Traffic
Go Max flats via PLNDR
Thrifted belt

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