Friday 14 October 2011

fall walk

Happy Friday Friends!!!
The week is so close to being done and I am beyond ready for the weekend.  I have such a busy weekend ahead of me....not that I need any more to add to my plate. I am will be photographing my first wedding on Saturday down in Tucson, Arizona.  Ahhh I am nervous! The wedding is out in the middle of the desert with a 1950's theme to it. The pictures are going to be AH - MAZING! You will have to stay tuned for that blog post in a couple of weeks :)

Today I wanted to share with you the rest of my pictures from last weeks Bubbly Tuesday post. It was one of the only days I was able to get out and get some shots in between the rain storms.  I had been noticing throughout the week that when it rained the clouds came down so low in between the mountain in the valley.  I had never seen anything like this before, especially not in Arizona.  The white clouds would contrast with the blue shade of the mountains which was quite eye catching! Take a look....

Of course I had to throw in my TOMS shoes! I am in love with these shoes and wore them everyday while I was in Canada.  I am sure I have talked about them before but if anyone is debating on purchasing a pair..... go for it!! I own a few and I am always looking for more. Plus every time you buy one pair, a pair goes to a child in need! great cause and fashionable = plus!!!

Have a wonderful weekend loves!!

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