Tuesday 4 October 2011

National Taco Day

In case you didn't know it, October 4 is National Taco Day, and that is definitely a holiday worth celebrating. So, Kathryn and I got together with our crew (read 6 kids) and had a MANDATORY staff meeting.  On the agenda was finalizing the logistics for our October 21, Real Maine Wedding Giveaway AND Kathryn's AMAZING, KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF, SMACK YO' MOMMA, DANG GOOD TACOS and BEANS & RICE......  My kids who don't like ANYTHING new wolfed down these amazing tacos and beans & rice.  My neighbor Anne Schmidt, of Anne Schmidt Photography, and her crazy cute baby popped in to feast along with us.  I could give you Kathryn's recipe BUT.... I love her and want her to be forever my business partner so I won't.... and truthfully, I wasn't paying enough attention.  Shocking I know.  Let's just say that the staff meeting was an incredible success! The Real Maine Wedding of Laura & Nolan will be stunning and a fantastic success  (we plan on featuring all the vendors that are partnering in the project, so keep your eyes peeled!) AND we ate some dang good tacos.  Here are some photos of the evening events..... YUM!

prepping the tacos
prepping the tacos, shredded chicken in a corn tortilla

fry those pretty babies up..... mmmmmm

pinto beans rinsed & ready

ready to be filled with the fixings

mexican rice.... Yum!

homemade refried beans... soooo good!

my contribution... coconut rum & pineapple juice

sink full of dishes.... totally worth it!

Had to wave my white flag.... sooo full!

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