Friday 21 October 2011

currently obsessing about......

OK! So,  I know PINTEREST has taken the internet by storm, yet I seem to be so challenged at it? Its ok tonight I played around on it and created a username, nope still have not logged in.  I really just like looking at everyone else's pins....

For the weekend I am going fall shopping!! YEPP, doesn't matter that Arizona is staying at 95 degrees, I want boots, scarfs, sweaters!!! Here are some pictures from PINTEREST that I found of newly purchased items to my collections!

I have been wearing grey nail polish this past month! My cousin said it reminds her of concrete..... I responded with, "rude, it is fabulous!"

Scarfs that are connected.  They are so fun, they just loop around.  I have a Free People one that looks similar to this one :)

Just downloaded Eric Church's, "barefoot blue jean night". Obsessed!

Leg warmers to go under my boots!!! Yes the sales lady looked at me like I was crazy,  I understand I am in Arizona but one day I will be able to wear them!

Have not found yet, BUT I am looking for a camera bag like this one! The one I currently have is ugly black and yellow.... reminds me of either boy or bubble bee. 

what fall finds are you obsessing about?! Lets all go shopping this weekend.  I think I deserve it after my week.... yepp you do too!! 

Have a wonderful Friday friends.  See you on Monday :)

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