Monday 31 October 2011

Happy Halloween


Was everyones weekend filled with pumpkin carving, costumes, and lots and lots of candy?! I know mine was.  One day a year we get to dress up in crazy and outrageous costumes and either get a treat or play a trick! Which would you prefer? trick or treat?!

My post today is all about pumpkins and the creative things you can do with them. 

Starting off we have our traditional orange pumpkin! Who bakes pumpkin seeds after they are done carving? add a little garlic salt and yum yum!

Next we have the ghost pumpkins.  This is the first year I have ever come across ghost pumpkins.  They are completely all white. I think they could possibly be my favorite.

Next we have pirate pumpkins.  Don't you think they look like something you would see in Pirates of the Caribbean? I am not particularly a fan, but hey, interesting at the least!

The pumpkin patch I went to was up in Vernon,  Canada at a place called Davidson Orchards. There were kids running around everywhere picking which specific pumpkin they wanted. 

All over the orchard were "people" made with pumpkins! How funny are these pictures.  The effort and creativity that went into these displays was awesome!

 I found this sign at the orchard and I just fell in love.  Autumn is in full effect!

Hope everyone has a safe and fun night out trick or treating!!! 

Remember tomorrow is BUBBLY TUESDAY!! start thinking of what you are going to do to make your Tuesday Bubbly and link up to show everyone :)

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