Thursday 27 October 2011

Things I Love Thursday

Thursdays seem to come like the speed of light each and every week! They're kind of like my Sunday (I say this all the time!) in terms of my weekend job so I really try to enjoy my week for all that I can. The weather outside is a bit gloom and doom today so I'll be working major overtime to finish up some creative projects inside, as well as some freelance design work (!!!) and personal ventures. Y'all, I'm really excited about this ebook! I'm really proud of it! Anyway, here's my week's worth of awesome and lovely things!
this candy corn cupcake recipe for halloween ♥

this pretty pretty pink pyrex ♥

these rilakkuma pancakes ♥

♥ this hilarious gif ♥

these painfully tacky shorts to match my litas + bag ♥

♥ these dream shoes! (but i can't find the source/brand!) ♥

this mini succulent garden ♥

this hilarious Ron mask ♥

this entire tumblr! (yes, i needed 3!) ♥

♥ these rad cookies ♥

Other Awesome Things: Susannah's Etsy shop is brimming with pretty things including her brand new bow scarf (!!!) ♥ Beca and Doug continue to blow me away with their passion for handmade between their brick + mortar and their Tumbleweeds sunglasses (Are they not amazing?!) ♥ I am so into these shoes I could just scream. Seriously. I'm on a self-imposed shopping ban if it's not thrifted so I can't justify them, but man alive... I'd wear them to pieces! ♥ I just redesigned my Tumblr layout! Scoot on over to check it out! If you follow me and I don't follow you back yet, leave me a little message in my Ask box so I can return the favor! ♥ I've landed some pretty big freelance design projects the past couple of weeks so I'm overflowing with ideas and creative time! I'll be following up this week here on LCH with some DIYs, a recipe or two, and a launch date for my PR + Marketing ebook! It's almost finished! And it's way better than I had hoped (but I'm biased!) I love feeling creative! ♥ My ukulele arrived yesterday (finally!) so I've already dove into learning my first song. Got all the chords down, just gotta learn the muscle memory! Maybe Mike and I will play a little diddy via video if I ever get better! ;)

I'll try and record my thrifting haul video today when I get home from a project meeting! I'm also going to be rerecording (or rewriting) a new red hair post since I get a million emails about it! Happy Thursday, Honeybees! You are my favorites! 

What are you loving this week?

PS; The winner of the Pretty Zoo giveaway is Comment #86 Blabbing Maggie! Feel free to email me to claim your prize, Maggie! Congrats!

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