Tuesday 25 October 2011

Paintings In The Park

This is one of those days where I simply threw together an outfit to be appropriately dressed for public. Granted I wasn't all that appropriate being that I was in a dress and this was taken immediately after we left the puppy park (We had two tuckered out girls in the backseat of our car!). This is the last of the outfits I had saved up from the past week or two and believe me when I say: the weather has taken a turn for the worst. And by worst I mean cold! Of course it's temps are back up to 79 for a couple of days before they top out at 50 on Friday (Tennessee is very fickle when it comes to the change of the seasons. I really just want to enjoy some Autumn!). My legs have been in hiding all weekend but I might prance around without tights one last time or so before saying so long.

This dress is such a sweet dress. It's the absolute perfect fit and the length is appropriate. I love the paint smears on it. I have some lovely friends in the UK (Beki and Bethan) who do swaps with me. They find me pretty things at Dorothy Perkins and the like to ship over and I send back lots of Forever 21 or yummy treats like Flipz. This way we all skip the hefty shipping fees and get something lovely in return! (Srsly, if any of you work at Dorothy Perkins [or Primark/Clothing as Tesco/anywhere else in the UK with cute clothes, let a girl know! Let's do some trades! Email me if you're interested! kaelahbee at gmail dot com ;P) You could tell I was sort of being dragged behind the bus this day. Messy hair + minimal effort... seems like that's the majority!

Today Mike and I are spending the day having fun adventures together. We have a lot of errands to run but luckily we make those fun! Happy Tuesday Honeybees!

What are you most looking forward to wearing this season?!

F&F // Tesco (UK) dress
Target cardigan (similar)
Soda flats (thrifted)
Thrifted belt (similar)
Bag via Ross

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