Monday 15 August 2011

my allowance wishlist

so i went shopping this past weekend with my allowance. i had a really hard time coming across something that 1. i didn't already have and 2. i really needed. i find myself always buying the same type of clothing. on a typical day, you will find me wearing a little dress, maybe some leggings, a long unique necklace and some flats. so when i went out shopping i tried to steer myself away from buying that style of clothing...

and it was so hard. i could not find anything and did not purchase anything except a really cute pair of cognac lace up brogues. they were a steal and i love them. but i still have quite a bit of my allowance left over, and i want more.

i found this necklace at a/e and had to have it. i bought it and have worn it a few times since. it is definitely my style and it goes with a lot of my outfits. so i got hooked into wanting other things that would suit my necklace... which of course means, other things that look just like other things that i already have. while online shopping, i found myself at u/o and couldn't resist the following:
>>> + <<<

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