Thursday 4 August 2011

Things I Love Thursday

Thank you all SO much for the sweet comments you left on Tuesday's post! My heart is so incredibly full. I can't even begin to tell you! There are so many amazing things currently happening and I can't wait to share them all with you! With that being said, I'm closing my blog commissions a couple of weeks early so I can prepare fully for the workload ahead of us! We already have an awesome stock of stuff and I need to alter a lot of it so I'll be busy behind a sewing machine for the next couple of weeks. To ensure that the blog doesn't get left behind, I'm having to close down a few other areas to make up for the time I'll be spending fawning over the interior of the camper. We were presented with the opportunity to get a 15' camper instead of 10' so we're awaiting some photos to make the final decision. It'll set us back a few days but everything is happening so fast... it's probably a good thing! Here's some pretty things for your week!

this pretty pretty picture ♥

♥ this little doodle ♥

♥ this and everything else stewart ♥

♥ this amazing infographic ♥

♥ this betty white skit ♥

♥ this! jackie isn't always dense. ♥

♥ this sweet face melts my heart ♥

♥ this cat macro. ♥

♥ and this one, too ♥

♥ sometimes i feel like this ♥

Real-time loves: Being a legitimate business owner (!!!!), daydreaming displays and how to decorate the inside of the 'bean!, feeling the fabric of the shoppe's inventory, watching my girls wrestle with each other and play, (hopefully) having red hair in the next few hours (ha, it's been orange for a week!), shark week (duh), and gold nail polish.

What are you loving this week?!

PS: Some heavy heavy storms (tornado?!) got my parents' house last night. Everything in the backyard is demolished. Only the pool is left! They also had some not so good damage on the house. Please keep them in your thoughts as the entire town deals with insurance claims and picking up over the next few days! (Apparently a tree fell directly in the middle of a neighbor's house?! My parents are fine, and so are the others luckily!)

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