Sunday 7 August 2011


i wanted to update everyone on my life for the past few weeks. i have been a terrible blogger and there are a few reasons why. i got a new position at work. i work in the customer support department of a company that assists people in building and maintaining their online websites. the call center in which i work is based off of inbound calls of people needing assistance. so when the phone rings, you answer.

i am on a new division of customer support where i am actually assigned a number of accounts to manage. right now i am working with 65 people once a week. therefore i do not have the time to dedicate to my blog during the week. and that is typically where i would find my inspiration for new posts and i would have time to act on them.

now all of my posts will be coming from my home. i just needed a few weeks there to figure everything out, but we should be back on track now.

so - the most exciting thing that i want to share with you all is .......

my boyfriend and i have registered for classes and are going to be attending the fall semester at uvu!! we are really excited. i have not been in a classroom since high school. so there are a few nerves, but i am overall super ready, and super excited to get going.

so the next few months will also consist of me working in the classroom some nights and studying as well. we are going to be taking intro to writing as well as a political science course. we are taking them together also which will be really fun. so wish us luck!


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