Tuesday 9 August 2011

preparing the workspace >>>

i love seeing all of the cute posts that other bloggers post that show what their work space looks like or what they carry in their purses. i have never done anything like this and so i thought it would be my turn. with school coming right around the corner, and finding myself at the university a lot frequently, it motivated me to clean up my work space so that i could come home and complete homework with ease and without having to shuffle through papers.

as you see in my pictures, the theme of our office is black and white. marcos and myself are fortunate enough to have a desktop and a lap top for each of us. i am so excited to be able to take my laptop to school and put it to good use.

one of my favorite items in our office is the hand painted portrait of abe lincoln that we scored at a garage sale for $20!! a college student was moving to the east coast and did not want to try to get it there in a truck unharmed so she was letting it go at a garage sale. sad for her, but so good for us. we have loved and even fought over this picture ever since. it's really quite amazing. nothing you could find at ikea or a local boutique. it's one of a kind and we love it.

other than that, we have a bookcase with all of our books and things.... we love our office. it works great for us.

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