Sunday 14 August 2011

Vanilla Buttercream

Another older outfit set... same as Dandy Candy! Way more leg than I'd ever bare but it was a very balmy day so whatever! I think I got rid of this dress, too. (It's bad when you can can't keep up with it right?!) Not much to say about it except this was the first time I had a chance to wear these wedges. Still not totally sold on them but they worked for the occasion. 

Yesterday I woke up at about 10am and finally rolled out of bed at 10:30 (not bad for getting home from work after 3:30am). After taking the girls out to play with our neighbors' dogs I sat down at the computer and churned out a revamped (totally brand new) media kit for my blog. Spent 4 hours on it but I'm so very pleased with the changes and the new look. It fits the blog perfectly and I hope to implement a few of the design bits into the actual layout soon. I woke Mike up at 2 (yow!) and we had to be out the door at 2:45. We grabbed a quick bite at Panera and then headed to work. I had to bartend from 4pm til 2am but it was actually a lot of fun. Some bar friends came in at about 4:15 and started ordering shots right away so it was a good time. Brian and Christina paid us a visit and I was left to babysit a slightly inebriated fiance. It was all good though. 

Today we slept in and both woke up with headaches but we're determined to power through the day. We've got thirfting and loads of other fun stuff on the menu and we'll be preparing to skip town tomorrow morning for a day-and-a-half of camping and canoeing! Woohoo!

Happy Sunday, honeybees! xo

What are your plans for the day?!

Charlotte Russe dress
Forever 21 cardigan
Thrifted belt
Qupid wedges

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