Friday 5 August 2011

On The Road...

Everyone has been so encouraging of the mobile business we're working so diligently on and while it's far from an original endeavor already, we're just as thrilled to be stepping in the right direction of our dreams. This post is scheduled to go up Friday morning while we are on a mini-roadtrip! Mike and I have been given the opportunity to look at several different campers today so we're hopping in the car, driving a few hours north and poking around for a bit! Woohoo! We originally had one picked out and were going to go ahead with renovations, but a few more presented themselves (through the same family) so we want to make sure to pick the *one* and chart out the interior with them in person. I thought I'd share some of the cutest mobile businesses around since y'all linked to me to sooo many! I'll be the first to say that each and every one of them has inspired us in some way. Mostly just to get our business up and going, but I'll explain that more in each paragraph!

Up first is Punky of Haberdash Vintage!

Haberdash Vintage: Punky (Amy) was among the first (or the first, I think!) to have a mobile vintage shop and since I remember being friends with her back in the MySpace/StyleMob days, I was eagerly following along. Something about it just seemed so surreal and fun, but totally unreachable for me. I loved following her blog and seeing her get involved with Swap while doing her clothing swaps, etc. Her blog isn't just an inspiration for her business, but also just her totally (what seems to be) a jam-packed schedule full of events. Her shiny lil 'dash is very different from everyone else's pastel paint jobs and I just love that! I love how she utilized the inside of her door as a chalkboard and I love the grated mesh type stuff that she hangs her shoe heels on! The Haberdash is the original folks! Take a good look at this sweet lil' beauty! (She inspired us to pick up an astroturf rug to go our front! I can't wait to get it all set up!)

Wanderlust Mobile Shop: This is the one I just can't get enough of! Oh my stars! I have Vanessa and Dan's blog pulled up in a permanent tab on my computer. I just can't help it. I think it's the combined fact that 1.) They are SO adorable, 2.) They make me hopeful for what me and Mike might be like and 3.) Vanessa has been such a doll emailing back and forth with me giving me helpful tips to make the shop a success! The pastel mint and yellow, her pretty pretty hair and dresses, and the just "homey" feel of their little Cardinal makes me swoon! I wish I could travel to Portland right now and just hang out with them! They are the cutest ever! I die. Like, I want to be BFF with them SO.BAD. (And we're totally taking a cue from their little outdoor sign! How sweet is that?!)

Mimsy's Trailer Trash Tattoo: While this is not a mobile retail shop, it is a mobile tattoo shop! How fun! I love the styling of the outside and I am head over heels in love with her tattooing style. A few people linked me to her in the comments of my original post and I remembered having seen some pictures on Tumblr a while back. It wasn't until then that I took the time to investigate but I'm so glad I did! I feel like it's such an awesome business plan! Just wish it wasn't so far away! The look of her caravan is probably my absolute favorite!

Trish Hunter Finds: Another long throw from Nashville is Trish Hunter Finds from Australia! I can honestly say that the clean and sleek modern interior, without a doubt, has inspired me for our shop. She and her dad renovated the interior together! I am in love with the custom built-ins that they installs and how bright everything is! Shopping in there would be such a treat! (She totally inspired me to try and find a cute little mini picket fence! I don't know if we will or not, but how cute would that be?!)

Oh So Lovely Vintage: I'm not sure how I didn't know about them sooner considering how small the internet makes the world but holy moly cute! About 45 of y'all linked me this way in the original post and I about keeled over and died. The fact that I want peach (small) scallops in the paint job on our camper kind of terrified me once I opened their page (because we all know someone just wants to shout "You're a copycat!" to any/everyone at any chance they get), but honestly I don't think I could ever pull off a shop so darling! I had a mini freak out and wanted to scrap the whole idea but decided to just roll with the cute! The girls are the cutest (I love that it's a BFF team, since the 'bean part of honeybean is in reference to a certain special someone [wink wink] and that kind of partnership is so inspiring) and the interior is insane! They seem to have the best hand-picked collection that I've seen so far and just skimming through their blog has been a delight. (I think) they are a kind-of-still up-and-coming mobile shop so to see how freakin' adorable they are already totally inspires me to push forward (and to utilize space any and everywhere... like the pegboard door! Holy smart!) 

Hill Vintage: More absolute cuteness! Erica of Hill Vintage left a comment linking me over to their Facebook page and offered up loads of advice via email if I wanted and I think anyone willing to share their tried-and-true business successes (and failures) with a total rookie like myself is AMAZING! I haven't taken her up on her offer just yet (Erica - I totally have the email half written! But I know I'll have a million questions after this trip today! Eeeep!) but I always find myself flipping through their Facebook pictures. I love love love the kind of "found" feeling of their business cards with stickers on them. I've always thought approaches like that were super freakin' cool and the fact that it totally goes with their recycled clothing is such a great business idea! (And the melted record bowls?! SWOOON-CITY Y'ALL!) Their little trailer warming party has totally inspired me to maybe try and plan one of our own before too long!

These are just a few of the ones y'all linked me to in my original post and the ones I've found the most inspiration from. I'll never try to take credit for the idea because obviously it has been a long-standing one, but I can't wait to use our original design + the inspirations of all these fantastic businesses to build the perfect little 'bean. Gotta give credit where credit is due, y'all, and these are the cream of the crop!

Do you know of any other amazing mobile businesses that deserve some time in the spotlight?! Feel free to leave a comment below or shoot me an email!

Hopefully we'll come home today with some good news! xo

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