Wednesday 17 August 2011

Wedding Wednesday

Yep, that's right! Wedding Wednesday is back! Hopefully for the long haul this time! Many of you expressed interest in me bringing back this feature (that was always my favorite!) so I thought I'd finally bite the bullet and get to work! Blogger has a tendency to freak out when I try to post certain photos (I have no clue why!) but I'll buy some time with this week's WW focusing on a few "I do" related pins from my Pinterest board!

I get sucked into Pinterest like no other so I have to limit how often I go on there. It's been weeks since I've sat down for a while to actually browse but I'll get 15 minutes here or there. Below you'll find a wide array of things that are inspiring our big day next Autumn!

Can you believe that?! We've already been engaged for 5.5 months! We'll be narrowing down the actual date in the upcoming weeks! Then I'll be sharing my bridesmaids and how all of the planning starts rolling once we get started! A long engagement was important to us because we knew there were (and still are!) tons of things we want to do first. We don't want to rush anything and we're paying for it all ourselves so we wanted ample time to save, create/diy, and plan! And just enjoy being engaged! It's a wonderful time, that's for sure! Here are some inspiring bits! (All sources can be found on my "I do" board via Pinterest!)

I love the idea of scrapbook plates! So very sweet! 

There has never been a more perfect reception! This is exactly what we have our hearts set on, so wish us luck! 

I've been sort of obsessed with this ever since I saw it!

We want to have many different small one-tier cakes for our friends with different diets/tastes!

I know I said I really love the plates for a guestbook but I really love this, too! Maybe a little more!

This totally fits the rustic Southern vibe we're shooting for!

There will undoubtedly be fabric strip bunting!

So so so very in love with this sweet idea

Fun DIY party favors

There will definitely be old doors involved! We've already snagged up a few beauties! 

110% considering wearing a blush colored cardigan on my wedding day. It's a tried and true staple of mine, but we'll see! 

While pink is not a huge part of our wedding color scheme (we're opting for a more peachy pink hue!), I definitely want to have a lot of blush/pink accents. How perfect would cotton candy be?!

While I know it will be a lot of work, energy and stress putting together the perfect day, I know it will be absolutely amazing because I'm going to be marrying my best friend. The person I go to sleep next to every night and wake up with every morning. The one who sees me drop veggie burrito all over my new dress each and every time we venture to lunch. The one who lets me beat him in Mario Kart sometimes (just kidding. That's all me. Skill, baby!). I can't wait!

What do you think about these ideas?! 
A sweet ol' Southern wedding, y'all!

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