Thursday 18 August 2011

Things I Love Thursday

Are you ready for some hilarious, awesome, wonderful, adorable, super cute stuff to fill your internets on this magical Thursday?! I hope so, because here they come!

this hilarious web comic. ♥

♥ this hilarious scene from that 70's show ♥

♥ this is only six weeks away!!!! ♥

this even funnier web comic! ♥

♥ isn't this how we all feel?! ♥

♥ this beyonce depiction. ♥

this gorgeous super mario inspired cake (!!!) ♥

♥ this silly haiku ♥

♥ it's always sunny in philadelphia (& all things charlie day!) ♥

♥ this WWF depiction of sharks becoming extinct ♥
(y'all know just how important this is to me! we can each make an impact to keep them around!)

this sweet girl! definitely one of my biggest fashion inspirations ♥

♥ these jellyfish plugs from Omerica Organic! ♥
(don't forget you can get 20% off your OO order w/ the code: KAELAH)

Other awesome things: finally having all of my inventory up on the Hive + Honey Etsy! (buy some! use the code THREEBIES to get 15% off an order of 3+ items!), wrapping up yet another full blog design, counting down the days until we load up and head to Chicago to see Susannah and go to Renegade!, having the perfect red hair (though it lasts for maybe 24 hours and then it's orange again! haha), Miss Beca and her man (of Tumbleweeds Oddities) are opening up a brick and mortar shop (!!!) and I am so very very thrilled for them because if anyone deserves it it's them! (go congratulate them on the blog!), the American Eagle finals start tonight at midnight and I placed first in all 3 categories (!!!) so I'm going to bug you for the next week to vote for me in hopes of winning the cash prize to put toward Honeybean! 

What are you loving this week?!

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