Friday 12 August 2011

Dandy Candy

This is an outfit we shot probably a month and a half ago when we were house/puppy sitting in Hohenwald (before Chicago!). I found a few outfits I never posted so I'll be using those to my advantage this weekend and coming week since I will be swamped, out of town/canoeing/camping, and swamped again! I dared to bare some leg in this and no, it's not something I would probably feel too comfortable wearing out and about. This is a dress I sold in Kaelah's Closet and only wore once! I feel like I'm on the constant hunt for the perfect yellow cardigan. There's this one (but I hate the short sleeves!) and I have one more from Target but it's almost like a... hilighter yellow?! I just want a pretty, soft yellow with 3/4 sleeves please! 

Today I actually wore tights for the first time in months! It was *awesome* to say the least! Things are happening on the business end so I hope I can have more to share about that this coming week!

This whole week was a blur (as usual). You'd think I spent my life drunk or something because I have such a hard time recalling what happened unless I write it down! At least I can check my Twitter or Instagram to remember! We've hung out with Brian and Christina the majority of the past three weeks (haha!) and yesterday was no different! Wednesday night we went on a bike ride around West End and we all went for frozen yogurt and ate pizza. (Healthy!). Yesterday we grabbed lunch with them at Chipotle and then we went to their house for a late evening swimming session! Followed by more unhealthy food and a trip to WalMart to stock up for our camping/canoeing trip coming up Monday! We like them, they're fun! 

I'll be spending all weekend work work working. Working 4pm til 2am tomorrow so I better take advantage of this time to sort through my inbox and sort out sponsor stuff! Eep! I promise my life is more exciting than I make it out to be... sometimes. ;) Happy Weekend! 

Forever 21 dress
Thrifted belt
Charlotte Russe cardigan
Roman wedges c/o Blowfish Shoes

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