Thursday 11 August 2011

Things I Love Thursday

Here's your weekly dose of all things wonderful on the web!

♥ this cute panda bento box! ♥

♥ these delicious gourmet popsicles ♥
(thoroughly bummed i haven't tried to make any yet!)

this hilarious/sarcastic remark to the music industry ♥

this too-cute cinemagraph ♥

♥ this! more panda cuteness! ♥

♥ this neapolitan-esque cake! looks delish! ♥

♥ this statement which i feel like i say daily ♥

this. this this this. ♥

♥ this needlework of hyperbole and a half! ♥

♥ this witty storefront sign ♥

What are you loving this week?

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