Wednesday 24 August 2011

Honeybean Sneak Peek!

Oh my stars! I moved today's Wedding Wednesday post back a few hours so I could share this teensy weensy tiny lil sneak peek with you all! Last night I was phone with the family who is doing the renovations on our camper and she told me she took a few pictures of it. I was so nervous! I had this vision in my head of exactly what I wanted and I was so afraid it wouldn't be spot on and I'd be heartbroken. Well honeybees... I'm elated! Several parts are different from what we first imagined, but it's coming together so very well!

Thursday and Friday she's getting her exterior paint job as well as a new roof sealant... and then hopefully Saturday we'll pick her up (if time allows!). If not, we're loading up the car Sunday no matter what and we're bringing our baby home! (Okay, I say no matter what but we'll see!) I cannot tell you how excited we are! Our hard work and passion is finally paying off! AHHHH!

I'm only giving you a small little snippet of the inside! This is the "dining" area and side shelves. A table will go in between the two dinette benches and it'll have big plush cushions on it, too! 

Look at that floor! a;lkdfja;sldj! I can't even! We didn't think the floor was going to happen but it was like a crazy miracle and she called us as we were meeting with some flooring people in town! It couldn't be more divine! 

Can you believe it?! It's actually happening! Thank you SO much for being part of this adventure with me!

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