Tuesday 23 August 2011

Belated Music Monday

Sunday was a fun day! Mike and I got up, got dressed, and spent the entire day thrifting! So many beautiful dresses, handbags, etc. Most of it will be going into Honeybean but I couldn't help but find a few things for myself! We rushed home to meet Brian and Christina so we could grab some dinner and head to a show downtown. We opted for yummy Mexican food at Las Palmas (my favorite!) and then we went to 3rd and Lindsley. Jason Reeves was having his album release show and Rosi Golan was opening for him. I love Rosi's voice, music, everything. She played a ton of songs from her new album (which officially comes out on the 30th!). It was so good! She's absolutely adorable so that doesn't hurt! While yesterday was slightly overshadowed with my ridiculously long post about blogging woes, I opted to move the typical Music Monday to today! I don't want anything to distract from this glorious playlist. I'm a little biased because I love it and I put it together but I think you'll like it! I'm a sucker for singer/songwriter tunes, and even more so if it's fronted by a lady with a stellar voice. I can't carry a tune in a bucket so I'll leave that to the professionals. 

Here's some Rosi Golan for you! (I think the first song is so perfect for the here and now!)

I don't wanna wait, I don't wanna wait, I don't wanna wait
Thinking everything is alright.
Moment that I wait, or I hesitates a moment that I waste
And I can see it all passing me by, I can see it all passing me
The streets, the bars, the restaurants. The foreign toung, the ambiance they gave.
A day, a week a month it seems I'm always runnin out of steam

And here are a few Jason Reeves songs in case you aren't familiar (his new album just came out last week!)

Next week I'll be sharing another Nashville resident that I think you'll all like! 

Have you seen anyone live lately that you absolutely adored? Who are your favorite singer/songwriters?

PS; Thank you all so much for your wonderful response to yesterday's post. I was in tears reading everything. It's sad that it took me breaking down, crying to Mike and expressing how much I hated my blog/what it had become and that I actually allowed that to happen for me to wake up. I needed to "out" myself to serve as a wake up call. Couldn't do it without all of you <3

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