Friday 26 August 2011

Honeybean Mobile Boutique

Yesterday I saw the painted 'bean for the first time! My heart is so incredibly full. I audibly gasped and fumbled for my phone as quickly as possible to text Susannah and Mike the pictures. I cannot even begin to tell how you how real it's starting to feel! Mike worked until after 11 last night so I poked around the house cutting out fabric to make a pennant banner for her. Might as well bring her home in style, right?! A few things will be left to us when she gets in our possession this weekend so I'm scouring the internet for all sorts of odds and ends to add to her. I can't wait to have her in our driveway so I can spend too much time playing with displays and set ups! We're going to be adding a vinyl decal on the back that says "Honeybean mobile boutique" so we're also on the hunt for a reliable sign dealer here in the Nashville area. She's almost home! I can't wait to show y'all pictures!

Until then, I'm going to share some of the branding and "behind the scenes" type stuff! Up first, the logo! Followed by 6 sets of business cards that I've designed. I ordered 3 of the designs last night from Moo and VistaPrint so we'll see how the quality is or if I opt to have them printed locally/elsewhere! 

I hope you don't mind me sharing details like this. Many of you said in a recent post that you loved hearing about the business-y stuff and I know I love sharing it because I'm going to read back on these days in total awe of everything coming together! Design has always been a huge passion of mine but being able to design for my own dream job is just that much more magical! (Say that five times fast!) Thanks for being a part of this journey. I know I say it every single day but you are truly rockstars! I cherish every email, tweet and comment ♥

PS; Like my little drawing of the 'bean that I did last night? It'll replace the one up in the sidebar now since we went for a Yellowstone instead of a Shasta! I love Shastas but I couldn't be happier with our decision!

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