Monday 29 August 2011

half marathon


I went though a huge transition in my life about a year ago which caused me to develop severe anxiety attacks.  It was finally becoming fall in Arizona and so I thought I would start running to relieve the anxiety I was experiencing.  I would run outside along Tempe town lake, I thought it was more therapeutic than running inside a crammed "bro" filled gym. In April I ran the Pat Tillman run in Tempe which was 4.2 miles.  It was an amazing experience.  It was the first time in a long time I had done something just for myself.  Not for anyone else, just me.  I didn't care what my time was I just ran the best I could. 

I have continued to run since then.  Every other day or so I head to the gym (yes i am at the gym,  as much as I would like to run outside not possible in 115 heat!) and run a few miles.  2 weeks ago I received a call from my cousin saying she is running a half marathon in October..... my response... IM IN! So hear goes,  October 9th, 2011 I will be running my first half marathon in Kelowna, British Columbia! I am beyond excited! 

I have been training for two weeks now.  Running 4 times a week, adding some cross- training, intervals, and of course distance. It has been a challenge for me but my body feels amazing.  I mean I burn about 700 calories each distant run... I can eat anything I want!! yesssss!

So hear are my new shoes I purchased this weekend.  Brooks.  Awesome. 




Each Monday I will give you an update on how my training week went.  The race is a Sunday so you better stay tuned on Monday the 10th of October for the final update :)

If anyone has suggestion for me I am wide open to them!!

Happy Monday loves.  Remember tomorrow is Bubbly Tuesday....think about what will make your tuesday bubbly and link up!! I am dying to see what everyone is up too!!

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