Sunday 17 July 2011

CranApple Rose

I'm kind of having fun incorporating the color palette into the photos. What do you think? This is what I wore yesterday, and to be honest, it's what I've been wearing for the majority of my days lately. Nashville has become so unbearably hot that even someone who has lived here their whole life can't help but complain. With that being said I needed a dress that was light-weight, long enough to wear without tights, and well of course it had to be cute. Tulle to the rescue! I have several Tulle dresses and I love each one more than the last. I first found the brand when I was visiting San Francisco every 6 months and my favorite little shop, Therapy, in Mountain View stocked them. I loaded up on every trip and I still wear every single one of them! It's one of those brands that I'll know I'll wear and adore until the end of time. The quality of the pieces is so stellar and the designs are way too cute! (Seriously, look at this one! I want it in both colors so badly! It's so dreamy!) I also love that they're a brand that stands behind their customers. If you follow them on Twitter then you can get access to some snazzy deals... even 50% off! Also recently added to my collection: this and this! (And yes, I know I have the sleeveless version of that first one but how could I resist?!?! That print is just my favorite!)

A few of my favorites still in the shop are:

Anywhoo, last night I switched into something else and we headed down to the Apple store and then work. The stellar fella at Apple replaced my iPhone that I left in the rain free of charge, so now Mike happily has a 4! Our new friends who just moved to Nashville from Minnesota, Christina and Brian, drove down to my bar to hang out last night. It was super awesome to meet them and they were fabulous! Hopefully there will be more hangouts in the future! The bar had a slow start but by 11:30 we were packed. It didn't slow down until I turned the lights on at 2am. I like those nights because they often mean good money and time flies. We pored into bed at 3:30am and here we are! 

No telling what today has in store for us but I'm ready to get up and out of this house. Cabin fever going on! Happy Sunday, honeybees! 

What have you been up to this weekend?!

Thrifted belt
Target cardigan
Hive + Honey fascinator
Gimmick wedges c/o Blowfish Shoes

PS; If pretty dresses weren't enough to make you check out Tulle, almost all of them are on sale! Woohoo!

PPS; I opted for Essie's Mamba nail polish (of course it's chipped on me) and ELF's matte lip color in Coral to round out the nude coral theme. Matches the outfit and building nicely if I do say so myself! I'll be sharing my favorite makeup this week! ;)

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