Monday 18 July 2011

Behind the Scenes: iPhone Edition #2

Here's the follow-up of iPhone 4 photos that I promised this weekend! Lots of pictures of my face and our silly, sleepy pups!

001. the girls riding in the car (typically they're much more enthused!) 002. playing with the frisbee 003. litas! litas! litas! 004. the loves of my life. 005. mike being silly in the car. 006. picnic feet. 007. pipkin photobomb!

001. lazy georgia. 002. lazy pipkin. 003. long brown hair. 004. pipkin making my foot a headrest (she came up and did that... i didn't put my foot under her intentionally haha) 005. pipkin sleeping on my chest as we napped. 006. red lippies and a red bow at work. 007. home sweet home (aka my desk)

001. my elf order that i scored for 70% off. 002. laziest dogs in the universe. 003. always sleeping. 004. sneak peek at my wardrobe. 005. mike putt-puttin' along on his scooter on our way to the puppy park. 006. work attire on friday.

Thanks for entertaining my photodump! Sometimes it's nice to clear my phone and to let y'all in on daily errands and activities :) I'm really excited for this week! There'll be lots of fun stuff going on! Happy Monday! xo

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I want to check it out :) (I'm still constantly trying to get the hang of Tumblr!)

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