Saturday 2 July 2011

Canopy of Color

I'm in love with a girl who's in love with the world...

My hometown's claim to fame is being the death-and-final-resting place of Meriwether Lewis of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. These photos were shot on the Natchez Trace just down from his burial site (and cabin). One thing I really love about the south is how the trees tend to canopy the roads in heavily wooded areas. I definitely dream of living on a sleepy little street with canopy trees lining the sidewalks. Suburban much? Maybe. 

I opted to pair this incredibly bright cardigan with this darker floral dress for some serious contrast. I think I achieved it. I tend to wear a belt every day but I decided not to with this one. It was so hot and humid out so excuse the sweaty face. I didn't bother trying to Photoshop it haha You just get it straight. 

Last night at work was rough. I ended up crying in the back for a little while (awkward!) because I just felt so defeated. People were so rude and weren't tipping. I think I just let it get the best of me and had a little mini-breakdown and wanted to quit right then and there. Sometimes I have those nights (don't we all?). I'm feeling loads better today though and I've refreshed my outlook on a lot about life so I can't wait to share that with you over the next several days. It'll be a little daily feature maybe starting on Tuesday. Hopefully you'll join me!

I'm looking forward to tomorrow as we'll be celebrating Independence Day (early) with my family. Sometimes it's just the simple things... like the thought of seeing your family... that help get you through the days. I'm excited to tackle the new week, too. It's going to be a good one! Happy Saturday, honeybees! xo

Charlotte Russe dress
Target cardigan
Blowfish flats (15% off with code BFKaelah15)

PS; I think I might try adding a song to each outfit post since I don't do full playlists much anymore. Maybe once I get my Adobe CS5.5 figured out I can get back with my color palettes! I can't wait to mock up the new design coming this way for LCH!

ETA: If you visited the blog between the hours of midnight and 10am CST on Sunday, you probably noticed Photobucket being dumb. Don't worry. Everything is fixed and le blog is back! xo

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