Thursday 21 July 2011

July Valentine

If I could wear pale pink, red, and white all day every day, I would. I mean, I guess I can right? There's that rad woman who only wears pink and her entire house is pink... and maybe even her dog. Not going to lie, I love her! Too much? Maybe.. But still! Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday simply because everything is a lovely hue and there are hearts everywhere. I just love it, okay! Yesterday's outfit definitely reminded me a bit of V-Day and now I'm itching to watch the movie, heh. 

The heat + humidity has been insufferable as of late. I'm sure you're tired of reading that in every single post but seriously, I don't like to leave the house. We took these in the hall of our building, right outside our door, because it was too icky to go outside. We were drenched in sweat by the time we were done (in less than 5 minutes!). I just can't hang. Chicago is looking better and better! Of course I know it gets hot there, too, but man... anything to escape this! 

I opted to wear my new AX PARIS dress with a lightweight cardigan I picked up from Target. I had to have it because of the blush tone. So cute! Yes, I realize talking about it being super friggin' hot and wearing a cardigan at the same time is a bit dumb, but whatever. I peeled it off of me and probably threw it on the chair for the rest of the day. The dress is kinda maybe a bit short on me so I'll probably get more wear out of it come Autumn/Winter (even though it's a Summer dress) just because I can wear colored tights with it. But I totallllly love the 50's style silhouette of the dress. You probably can't see it but the fit of the top of it is stellar. I had my trusty bike shorts on as usual (impatiently awaiting the arrival of my new bike!), and my black Blowfish Romans which round out my collection of that wedge in every color! I really love them. I had to add the belt for a little bit of ~edge. Oh! Annnddd... the headband is a new design that will be in the shoppe tomorrow! It's felt and adorable and lays flat on your head! You can get them in 15 colors (!!! more coming soon) and you can get them on elastic, metal headbands, barrettes, etc. Stop by tomorrow and snag one (or seven) up! Is that enough parentheses for all of you?! Ha!

Pretty floral dress c/o AX Paris (on sale for $19.99! I want them all!)
Target cardigan
Forever 21 belt
Olive sunnies via House of Stella
H&M bike shorts
Hive + Honey headband
Blowfish wedges (Use code BFKaelah15 for 15% off your order!)

PS; Blowfish is currently having a sale for any two pairs of shoes for $39! That's a super duper steal.

PPS; My friend Shelby entered a contest at AE for a chance to wind up in an AE advertisement (? I think?) and it'd be lovely if you wanted to vote for her! I'm thinking about entering (a different category, of course) just to see if a tattooed gal could ever end up working with AE, ha!

Edit: I entered! Why not right?! What have I got to lose?! I entered three photos and all it takes is one click each! I'd really appreciate your support! ONE // TWO // THREE xo

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