Friday 15 July 2011

factory 20 // ♥

i was browsing through some of my most favorite blogs last night and came across an amazing website that i just had to share with everyone. it's called factory 20 and it has old vintage decor. i have had such a fun time looking at all of the unique vintage products that they have to offer. some of the products are just what i would look for if i had a home that i could decorate, but the prices are a bit high. i still fell completely in love with a few products and they're listed below.

what i want to do is save a whole bunch of cash so that when i do have a home, i can go out and spend a few thousand dollars furnishing it with things that i love. like i've said before, my boyfriend and i have similar tastes when i comes to decorating. i showed him this website yesterday and i think that he too, fell in love. i hope that you enjoy it just as much as we did!!

happy friday!


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