Sunday 24 July 2011

The New SusannahBean

Are you tired of me blogging about layouts and designs yet? I did a lot of them this week and I have many more to tackle coming up! It was about time that I got to work on Susannah's though! I had been promising to redo her layout for quite some time and I finally got the fire under my butt to do it. I'm really happy with the way it turned out. The colors (her choice) were spot on and I just went with what I thought was cute. I like cute design and if that makes me less of a "real" woman or "real" designer then so be it! My skills have since been compared to that of a 5 year old but hey, they have an unfiltered imagination and idea of color so I take that as a compliment! My favorite part is the little button with the thread and needle! 

I had a lof of fun doing her layout and I'm tickled that she's happy with it! Pop on over to her blog and check it out! It's one of my favorite reads! 

Also - Many of you have been asking this week if I do blog redesigns for people. Yes! I do! If you are interested in having your blog redesigned (whether it's a complete overhaul, a custom navigation (with or without rollovers!), or a set of buttons), feel free to email me at with "Design Inquiry" as the subject! I'm only doing them through the first 3 weeks of August for sure so email me to get on the list! xo

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