Saturday 23 July 2011

A Few Layout Tweaks...

I grew bored of the LCH layout not long after I installed it in December, but each time I go to design something new I find it impossible to leave behind the original colors of my personal branding. Instead, I opted to make a few minor changes. New background, header, a super fun navigation bar (hover over them!), etc. I'll roll out the rest of the tweaks in the next few days but I wanted to get this up while I was on a roll (mainly so I couldn't back out of it!). I think as a designer you tend to be your own worst critic.

If you're reading in BlogLovin' or Google Reader, click over (HERE!) to check out the new subtle look yourself! 

I'm wiped out now! Last night was a long night of work and I'm gearing up for another! xo

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