Thursday 21 July 2011

Things I Love Thursday

Thursday, Thursday, Thursday! This week absolutely flew by! What happened to Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday?! I feel like they never even happened! I've managed to get a lot of design work done though! I can't wait to show you these lovely designs I've been working on! Here are some pretty things xo

♥ this lil reminded of what's important ♥

♥ these pretty strawberry pieces ♥

♥ this laundromat! i'd be inspired to do laundry daily! ♥

♥ this simple truth ♥

♥ this pretty pretty watercolor ♥

♥ this song (loquat's cover is my favorite!) ♥

♥ this creepy/cool mug ♥

this two headed snake!  ♥

♥ this gorgeous photo ♥

♥ this flock of flamingos! ♥

What are you loving this week?

PS; I saved the best for last! Shark Week is just 10 days away! Holy moly! We're throwing a little Shark Week party for the premier next Sunday! Anyone else got any shark-irific plans?! (source)

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