Wednesday 27 July 2011

via coffee

i have never been much of a coffee drinker. only if the drink consists of at least 1/2 sugar. i love anything and everything sweet. so the bitter taste of coffee without sugar or sweetener is just too much for me to handle. 

my boyfriend drinks coffee and in fact, he got a keurig for his birthday last year. we had a whole bunch of k cups that i could never get used to. some french roast. i went out and bought some products to make my coffee sweet and it always ended up with either too much cream, too much sugar or not enough. i am by no means a bartista and i just stopped drinking coffee for a while... until... 

a few weeks ago, my boyfriend and i were walking through wal mart and a kind old gentleman was at one of the little stands offering/promoting products. and he had starbucks via iced coffee. i had myself a little cup just to try it, and my oh my, i fell in love. hard. 

i have gone through about 4 packs of via iced coffee. it is just what i need. it's just what i like. i wanted to share with anyone who might like their coffee a tiny bit sweeter... it's the best thing yet! definitely give it a try!


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