Thursday 7 July 2011

Things I Love Thursday

Phew! Getting a bit of a late start on TiLT this week! I've been eyeball deep in emails all day and I still have to edit shoppe photos for an inventory overhaul coming up (tomorrow!). I'm trying to get all of my ducks in a row for the fun things coming your way soon! The weather has been utter poo lately so I'm stuck indoors (and also because I can barely walk after that 30 Day Shred yesterday!). Here's a bunch of lovely things to make your heart go pitter patter! xo

♥ this hilariously irrelevant status update ♥

(I know most of us are shocked/appalled by the fact Casey Anthony was found not guilty of murdering her little girl. Lack of evidence is just that. Instead of focusing on what a horrible mother she is, people should focus on finding out exactly how and why Caylee's life ended the way it did)

♥ this fun fact ♥
(Cue the famous Lawrence Krauss quote)

this sweet shasta camper ♥
(I'm on the hunt for a Shasta of my own!)

this truthful statement ♥

♥ this! everything else is irrelevant ♥

♥ this simple guide to life ♥

♥ this silly meme. i love the me gusta guy! ♥

♥ this and everything else e.e. cummings ♥
(though I wish the original punctuation/grammar was intact)

♥ this. you're guilty of it, too, right?! ♥

♥ this brilliant infographic ♥
(Where were you when we needed you in Chicago?!)

♥ these super cute new unicorn plugs from Omerica Organic! ♥
(you can save 20% off your Omerica order w/ the code KAELAH)
Do you have any Omerica plugs?!

What are you loving this week?!

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