Saturday 23 July 2011

a little bit of sparkle

There are some people in life who are born with that extra little bit of sparkle.  You know, they just have that extra shine, caring, giving personality.... do you know anyone like that? I am sure you do!!!!

  In my life lately,  I have been blessed to be surrounded by great friends and family. One friend in particular has touched me and my family just that little extra bit.  You have probably seen her through out my posts lately.  

Well here she is again!  These photos really show the sparkle Renee has inside of her.  
I hope you enjoy them :)






Life is so precious and can be changed instantly.  Please take the time today to take in life and recognize the people around you.  Find those people who have that sparkle and engage with them!! 

I am sorry for being distant from my blog, BUT I am back and ready to show you all the pictures I have been capturing!! 

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