Saturday 12 March 2011

Sponsored Giveaway: Blowfish Shoes!

I'm kind of ultra excited about this giveaway because up for grabs is one of my new favorite pairs of shoes.  Some of you may remember my "OMG I LUV SHOES!~~~!!~!" post from last month (and if you don't, it's right here!) so naturally when Elise from Blowfish Shoes said they'd like to take up a sponsor spot I was a wee bit ecstatic. I was also offered up a pair of shoes of my choice. I had originally picked out something else but Elise was kind enough to let me know that a few more had recently gone up and I was instantly drawn to the Garren shoes in Toffee! They're amazing! The cork platform and chunky chunky heel (almost wedge) were heavenly. Again, I've been noticing that I gravitate toward much more "out there" shoes than I would have expected, but I'm so thrilled at the evolution of my personal style. They were to be delivered a few hours after leaving for our roadtrip so I didn't get them until I got home. I managed to snag them and throw them in my bag to NYC though! I wore them to the Levi's/Vogue event and while I was on my feet for hours, they felt like slippers. Great traction, great look, and totally comfortable/easy to walk in. I am a fan! They wanted to offer up my choice of shoe for y'all, and I knew I had to give up a pair of the Garrens. They're undeniably the most fashionable, yet casual, shoe that I own. The Toffee color is perfect for spring/summer as it's not too heavy. Just... just enter! You'll love them! I promise! ;)

Entering is simple, as always!

For your first entry... Just visit Blowfish Shoes and pick out your favorite pair of pretties, then come back and leave a comment below!

If you'd like additional entries...
  • Leave a comment below saying what you'd wear with these pretty platforms! (Yep, just make up a dreamy outfit! Easiest entry ever, c'mon!)
  • Tweet about the giveaway and include the link: ( and tag @BlowfishShoes!
  • Follow @BlowfishShoes on Twitter and leave a comment saying so!
  • Blog about the giveaway and leave the link below!
  • Update your Facebook status and leave a comment below!

Overall that is SIX ways to win! You won't be disappointed! The giveaway will be open until Thursday at 11pm CST!

The winner of the Absolute Queen giveaway is:

I'll be emailing you shortly, Katie!

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