Saturday 12 March 2011

Shape What's To Come & IWD Recap!

Here comes the fun part! The part where I got to fly to NYC to take part in the Levi's and Vogue International Women's Day celebration at the SoHo House! After 5 solid days of traveling, road tripping, and having a grand ol' time, I was tired. We pulled into our driveway Monday night and all I wanted to do was sleep. But instead we stayed up far too late to try and find Mike a plane ticket to NYC with me so he could accompany me. Pages and pages of $600-$700 tickets later, we realized we simply couldn't afford it. Not for a a day and a half. Still, I was determined I'd have a great time (Uh.. duh!). 5:30am came incredibly quick, and up I was! Mike drove me to the airport and sent me on my merry way. My first flight was delayed. And then my second flight. And even if they had been on time that would give me roughly 30 minutes in my hotel to get ready for the party. I shared a taxi with a nice lady from JFK to Manhattan, and I was stuck in that thing for about an hour and a half. Obviously making me late. Then there was a bit of a hold up in checking into the hotel (The Ace Hotel, by the way! Kudos Levi's!). I got up to my room and realized that my dry shampoo had broken in transit. So here I was. Stressed, crying in my hotel, greasy/frizzy hair and in dire need of an outfit and a taxi. Luckily I had my blazer and dress from the Business Casual Bedazzual outfit and seeing as it was wrinkle-proof I threw it on and tossed on my new pair of Blowfish Garrens! I ran out into the street, down a block and hailed a taxi. On my way! I lucked out and was only about 20 minutes late, but all was well. I made my way to the Library in the SoHo House on the 5th floor and it was like I never missed a beat.

Tammy Tibbets, Gabi Dolceamore, and me

I quickly recognized Gabi, the (new) Levi's Girl, and Tammy. I was asked to snap a quick photo and even though I was worried about how grotesque I looked, it quickly became apparent that we were there to celebrate what women were doing... not what they were wearing. My nervousness subsided and while I felt slightly anti-social being that I had my iPhone at my nose, I realized that I was doing exactly what I had been asked to... to tweet my experience with the hashtag #SWTC. I was able to share in-the-moment events with my Twitter followers (so I hope you read along!). I snapped some photos, shook off any shyness that I may have let linger, and I introduced myself to several women at the event. I found myself involved in some truly wonderful conversations with women who have been working toward the advancement of our gender for decades! Holy cow! Of course I didn't have any business cards with me but they were ever so polite to offer me theirs and asked that I definitely follow up with them via email. Something I'm totally looking forward to!

Levi's was also doing custom fittings for their new Curve ID jeans! One of the things that made me laugh about the whole experience was how ironic it was that I won... a self proclaimed "jean hater"... Still, in the spirit of the event I went and got measured. Found out that I am a "Bold Curve" (aka my waist is much smaller than this "badonkadonk"). Not telling me anything I didn't know! ;) Upon getting measured I received a card good for a free (!!!) pair of Levi's from one of their Manhattan stores. Hey, why not?! Levi's is obviously the pioneer in denim so why not give it a go!

The Shape Whats to Come campaign from Levi's features 50 incredible women who are shaping society in the best of way. There are athletes, designers, entrepreneurs, inventors, etc. On the agenda for the night was a showing of Chiara Clemente's documentary, Shape What's To Come. The documentary featured 8 of the 50 women and I'm pretty confident in saying that there were few dry eyes in the house.

For instance, take the first interviewee, Katie Spotz. Katie is a 22 year old woman who rowed across the Atlantic Ocean in support of clean drinking water for millions who go without. I know right? Her contribution to the world is so incredible, and so profound, the rest of us seem to scoff at the idea that we could do the same. But that is the beauty of the Shape What's To Come campaign. It's not necessary to row across the Atlantic, or invent a water cooling system... you can contribute simply by inspiring other women to just do something! Anything! Anything to advance our society as a whole.

By the end of the 7 minute documentary, it was impossible to not feel inspired and fueled with motivation. These are ordinary women who have decided to do something powerful. They don't have celebrity to back them up. They don't have trust funds to pay their way. They are living proof that all you need is ambition and perseverance. They also showcase a collective awareness of global causes. They are not merely living in the here and now. Rather than worrying about what they're wearing or where they're going in the next six hours, they focus their sights on helping people they have never met.

The busy excitement of the party was welcomed with open arms. When quite possibly everything went wrong on the way there, it made up for it in more ways than one. The only way it could have been any better is if Ellen had been there herself! It was great to see so many people out to support such a worthy cause. After the party I was done for. I quickly caught a cab back to my hotel and retired for the evening. The bed was so cozy and the shower so warm. I won't lie... I may or may not have slept in until noon the next day! (And can I just say again how stellar the Ace Hotel was?! Definitely the best "Levi's" hotel in the city. The energy, the location, the "theme"... It was a definite treat!

Wednesday was much more low-key. It was my free day in the city so I took advantage of popping around some shops and attempting to meet up with some friends in the city. Overall it was a whirlwind, but exhilirating, adventure and I'm so so so fortunate to have been able to take part! Many thanks go out to Levi's and their Shape What's To Come campaign. And to Miss Hope Kitterman for being a great go-to when I needed her! I guess I can't forget Ellen DeGeneres! Without her constant source of inspiration and positivity, this trip wouldn't have been possible!

Oh! I went and picked up my Levi's in Times Square on Wednesday! I know I always said that you'd never see jeans on my blog but they're kiiiind of awesome. I wore them to work last night and they get two big thumbs up from me! Finally! Jeans that aren't gapping at the waist and too-tight in the thighs!

I'll be back tomorrow with my Sunday Spotlight featuring a SWTC and IWD favorite, along with a few great (and oh-so-simple) ways that we can all Shape What's To Come! Until then, immerse yourself in the inspiration that can be found from checking out the profiles of some of the other Shape What's To Come candidates!

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