Tuesday 29 March 2011

Movin' On Up!

If you follow me on Twitter or Tumblr, then chances are likely that you know we have decided to not move to Wilmington, North Carolina. ::breathe:: Okay, it's not because we don't love it, and it's not because it's anything shy of the perfect little town, but on our most recent trip earlier this month we realized just how many independent boutiques already exist. Two of them were identical to the shop I hope to open, and there were several others I didn't get to go into. So while the demographic was awesome, it's just not a good business plan to go into a flooded market and try to survive. Upon our initial heartbreak, we thought about other places that my shop might flourish. Then I realized how much I missed living in Franklin. I was tired of seeing the same faces and same places always, but I've officially been living outside of Franklin for 11 months (whoa!). I miss it. I do. Immediately we started researching houses and rental properties to move back. Downtown Franklin has the perfect area for a boutique, and there isn't anything quite like it existing already. The only problem: rent is insanely expensive! Also, Franklinites tend to be rather snoody and conservative. (Read: very snooty!) Still, they have money to burn. Of course I'm not thinking of a brick and mortar for several years, but I felt inspired by the area so we've opted to stay put a little while longer. Maybe for good, maybe for a year or so. Who knows!

We wanted to live in downtown Franklin, the Belmont area of Nashville, or East Nashville, but everything that came up was a bust. We walked around homes, called and emailed tons of people, and nothing worked out. But apparently my relentless internet scouring paid off! I found a factory-converted-loft in downtown Nashville up for rent! The timing was perfect. The price was perfect. And it was just neat! I immediately emailed the lady, set up an appointment for the next day (yesterday) and Mike fell in love with it right away. We drove up to Nashville yesterday for the day. We viewed a home in East Nash and it was just... awful. Then we headed over to the loft. We were early so we ran into a gal that would be our neighbor so she talked to us, showed us around, took us down to the loft available and the gal that was living there invited us in, told us everything there was to know about it and we were SOLD. We loved it. Other people showed up to see the place and that's when we knew we had to make a decision fast. Mike practically met the landlord at her car when she pulled up! We definitely weighed the pros and cons, and while it was a whole month earlier than we had anticipated moving, we put in our application because it was too good to pass up.

We spent the rest of the evening at Merissa and JT's house, and then we stopped by Bryan's work in Franklin on the way home. We woke up this morning to good news: The loft is ours! We go sign the lease tomorrow (my birthday!) and then move in this weekend! We're very excited and glad to have found something that appeals to us, in our price range, in a new part of town. I'll definitely share more photos as we decorate and such, but the next week will probably be just as hectic as this past one, even though I didn't even do anything! Please hold tight!

Here are a few listing photos of the space! The curtains on the lofted bed are my favorite! The porch you see is a community porch (there are 8 lofts in the building) and everyone is very much an artist. There are painters, guitar restorers, woodworkers, etc! It's like the coolest artist community ever and Mike and I are so excited to move in! The gal above us has her Masters in Sustainability and she rips old wood from barns and builds tables and mosaic countertops... all that jazz! As for the loft, we'll be decorating in a much different manner, but the best part: it is SO twinkle-light friendly! My dreams are coming true! I can't wait to go get the keys tomorrow! Hooray! Happy birthday me! :P

(the photos are awful listing quality, i apologize!)

Thanks to everyone who kept their fingers crossed for us! xo

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