Saturday 26 March 2011

Sponsored Giveaway!: Shabby Apple Boutique

This week's giveaway is courtesy of Shabby Apple Boutique. Shabby Apple is an online shop filled to the brim with fancy frocks and women's dresses. They're offering up their Cortez dress for grabs to one lucky reader! (Wish it was me!) This dress features statement buttons and ruffles galore, all the while staying classy and perfect for a wedding, cookout, or family party. It's truly a dress for all occasions! Peep below on how you can win!

For your first entry... Just visit Shabby Apple and pick out your very favorite frock (or item!) then come back and leave a comment below!

If you'd like additional entries...

  • Tweet about the giveaway and include a link to the giveaway and tag @shabbyapple!
  • 'Like' Shabby Apple on Facebook and leave a comment below saying so! 
  • Blog about the giveaway and leave the link below!
  • Update your Facebook status and leave a comment below!
Overall that is FIVE ways to win! You won't be disappointed! The giveaway will be open until Thursday at 11pm CST! The winner will be announced next week!

*Please note: This giveaway is open only to US readers! Sorry to all of my international friends! I promise something snazzy for you soon!

The winner of the Much Love, Illy giveaway is:

Congrats Meredith! Please email me at!

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