Thursday 24 March 2011

Things I Love Thursday

Thursday is the day where I share all of my favorite things via the interweb! It's kind of an exciting day! I've been down and out with a serious case of pericoronitis (fancy term for wisdom tooth infection!) so it's hard to eat, drink, swallow and talk. Thus leaving little excitement to share on the blog. Hopefully this will pick up the mood a little bit and I'll be back to my good ol' happy self soon! xo

this sweet (and oh so true) comic! ♥

this gorgeous photo ♥

♥ this quote ♥

♥ this gorgeous wedding hairdo ♥

♥ these shoes ♥

♥ this adorable pug ♥

♥ this this this! ♥

♥ this hilarious infographic! uk friends, yes? no? ;) ♥
ps; i know this is definitely a joking graphic, don't worry! but thought both my US and UK readers would get a kick out of it! 

"My Jeans" - Jenna Rose from Jenna Rose on Vimeo.

♥ this video. and i don't mean that in a good way.♥
(while on the topic, why is it okay to teach our children to sing about how new jeans are better than someone else's old jeans? so infuriating! and yes, rebecca black is just as ridiculous.)

♥ this kitchen collection. YES! ♥

♥ these skates! i still want a skating party for my bday one year! ♥

Well, that about wraps up this weekly addition of TiLT! Hope you love them as much as I do! xo

PS; No Jersey Shore gif this week! Whaaaaa?!? I know. Need to start a collection!

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