Thursday 17 March 2011

For Japan, With Love

Tomorrow I will be participating in a day of silence for Japan along with hundreds of other bloggers. While blog silence may not be ground-breaking, it does help draw some attention to the matter at hand. Japan is currently experiencing one of the worst natural disasters of our time. They're also facing an unknown future with the nuclear disaster.

Over $20,000 has been raised via For Japan, With Love for ShelterBox... an organization that provides a disaster relief kit including a tent for an extended family, and various other necessities to help them get by. There is no minimum amount required. Every single dollar counts. I've urged everyone to donate several times now, and I don't mean to preach. And while I've never gone through anything quite as devestating as the earthquake + tsunami, when we lost our house in the May 2010 floods, every gesture was cherished. We received the most heartfelt letters, donations, and kind words from strangers we had never even met. This is our chance to give something back, and your chance to pay it forward. These people have lost absolutely everything. Their material goods, their homes, their families, their pets. Their livelihood.

CLICK HERE to read more about how you can help!

I'll be back with regular updates on Saturday, the 19th!

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