Tuesday 22 March 2011

World Water Day!

I'm getting a 12 hour late start with sharing about World Water Day, but hopefully that won't hinder our charitable contributions! Did you know there are millions of people who are without clean drinking water at any given moment? How about the fact that over 4,000 children die every single day because they don't have any clean water resources? This is something that can absolutely be prevented. Help us raise $10,000 today and The Prem Rawat Foundation will then match those donations for a total of $20,000! Can you imagine how many people that will help?!

Every single dollar matters, and there is no minimum donation required. I've set up an Adventure Project page to share with my readers and I've set a goal to try and raise $300. It's more than the initial $20 that each blogger was suggested, but I know that we can do better than that! Even if we all donated just $1, we would have thousands! Currently $3,000 has been raised and we've got $7,000 to go!

We've got 12 hours! So please help spread the word! Take that money that you get refunded from MissVioletLace and put it toward something so much bigger than ourselves!

I don't mean to preach on charitable efforts, but we have so many opportunities to better the world, and we should! Over $50,000 has been raised from For Japan, With Love, so $10,000 should be no biggie! Don't take your clean water for granted. We're lucky people and it's our duty to help out those not so fortunate!

Please check out the video below and then click through HERE to donate! My readers are some of the most charitable people I've ever met. I know you'll find it in your heart to donate at least the change you find under your couch cushions!

The Adventure Project - World Water Day 2011 from The Adventure Project on Vimeo.

Click HERE if you would like to make a contribution!

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