Wednesday 23 March 2011

Paradise in Blogland

Y'all, Phyllis from Around the House has been holding out on us! I've got the goods on her now, though. Phyllis spends her days blogging in a beautiful paradise and it's right in her own backyard. Come along for a little garden tour...and try to not be as jealous as I am! ;)

What a gorgeous way to use a fountain!

Let's go for a stroll in her lush garden.

This waterfall must sound heavenly on a hot summer's day.

So pretty! Now, I've been saving the best for last. You might want to sit down for this! :)

Pool party at Phyllis's house! Phyllis, you don't mind if a few thousand of your closest blogging friends drop by for a dip, do you? ;) Now I ask, would you ever leave this spot? This is where you'd find me all the live long day. :)

Phyllis, thanks for sharing your beautiful backyard paradise! Tina =^..^= is living the good life!

See you this evening for Tablescape Thursday.

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