Wednesday 9 March 2011

The Most Special Wedding Wednesday Ever!

Kaelah and Mike from Kaelah Bee on Vimeo.

Yep! That's right... Mike proposed! It's been so hard keeping this to myself since it happened late Saturday night! My dreams came true as we walked along the river in downtown Wilmington and underneath a plethora of blooming trees and twinkle lights he went down on one knee and asked me to spend the rest of my life with him! My reaction was a very "kaelah" one... I cried. A lot. And then I questioned it.. I said "Really?! Really?! No! Really?!" several times. The three pictures above are from that very moment. I have Susannah and Chris to thank for those. Apparently Mike had forewarned them that he'd be proposing that weekend, but he didn't say when. Luckily Chris spotted him when he did and now that moment will forever be immortalized. I'm already crying writing this. I'm such a sap. There were some bystanders apparently... and they hollered and clapped. But I was much too fixated on him to notice anything else.

It's almost midnight on Tuesday now, and I've been bursting at the seams to tell any and everyone I meet. Our family knew, and of course Susannah and Chris. But I only told a very very select few people so I could announce it this special way! It almost doesn't feel real! I can't even begin to put into words what I'm feeling! It's incredibleI do at least know that much! 

We wanted to wait and share the news after we had a chance to relish in the moment ourselves. And we also wanted to do something cute for the blog! He proposed on Saturday so since Sunday was our last night in town we opted to do a video and re-enactment! I wanted more evidence of just how truly spectacular the location was! I believe everything looks better with twinklelights and I'm in awe with the place he chose to do it. The weather was very hit or miss on Sunday and I was afraid it'd rain out the entire thing. Luckily we snagged 2 hours late at night and filmed away (and froze, too!).

Please keep in mind that I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing when it comes to iMovie, but I tried anyhow! The song is "Moksha" by Caspian and it is one of our all time favorite songs ever. We felt like it was the perfect thing to share how we feel about each other. 

We opted to do a video, a few photos, and a little light graffiti. It was fun to experiment with things while we were down at the river. (But man oh man, it was cold!) 

To think that Mike is now my fiance... it's so strange! I've never been a fan of that word. Fiance. It just sounds so contrived. I'm sure it won't stop me from introducing him to everyone I meet though! The ring is absolutely perfect. In fact, it couldn't possibly be any better! Mike had a custom ring designed with a 3-carat natural cut diamond. Completely hand hammered and handmade. 100% unique and one of a kind. It's absolutely stunning. I know we have some other pictures on the camera, but I don't have them with me in NYC. I wish Mike could be here with me simply so we could've written this post together. But I can't wait to return home!

I guess my Wedding Wednesday will be put to good use soon! And before you ask, no, no date yet! Not for a while. We want to enjoy being engaged and not rush anything. Right now we're just ecstatic and I'm so glad we can finally share with y'all!

He liked it so he put a ring on it. Yes, I so just went there.

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