Saturday 19 March 2011

I Wear My Heart On My Sleeve

No frilly gills outfit title today! I think Mike might be outside in the hammock so I'm going to try my own go at it! I feel like it's appropriate seeing as I'm wearing a heart pattern cardigan. Ooh la la! It's currently Friday evening and I'm wasting the next hour away until I leave for work. Work... ::grumble::. This is the outfit I wore to Nashville on Thursday when we took my Xterra to have the window motor fixed. I'm lucky they gave me a rental car, and it seems that I'll be in my granny-mobile until Monday. I hope they don't try to stick me with the bill! I'll be one hot tamale!

Anywhoo, I was overjoyed when these shoes came in the mail! I tried them on originally at Edge of Urge in Wilmington when we visited 2 weeks ago. They were *perfect*... and by perfect I mean half a size too big. I departed NC without buying them, thinking I could find a smaller size online. Um no. Apparently they don't exist. I'm not sure what it is with Jeffrey Campbell shoes but they go like hot cakes and they're impossible to find when they're sold out. Hours of Googling failed me so I just bit the bullet and ordered these online. Thank goodness for that option! They're skyhigh and perfect! I still need to get a little heel insert so they fit perfectly, but I'm in awe! The dress is a black eyelet pattern frock from Forever 21, and the cardi is from F21 as well. The belt is a 25 cent Goodwill find and the tights are old Target ones. (Note all of the makeup smudges and puppy hair! Yeesh!) The bag is my Salvation Army thrift find from earlier this week and the shoes, of course, are Jeffrey Campbell Daisy-D Platform Wedges! *swoon!* I feel like a giant in them! Definitely a change of pace for little ol' 5'2 me.

Mike is headed down to Alabama on Saturday to assist a photographer friend with a bridal portrait shoot. I'll be spending the day pouring over rental homes, crafty plans, blog designs, emails, and scheduled posts. Always on the go! Well.. I'm out of here! Stay tuned for a little birthday wishy-wishlist and sponsorship introductions later! xo

Forever 21 eyelet dress
Forever 21 heart cardigan
Thrifted Goodwill belt
Target tights
Thrifted Salvation Army bag
Jeffrey Campbell Daisy-D Platform Wedges

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