Thursday 16 June 2011

Things I Love Thursday

This week's [really] long list of lovelies features solely kitty cats! I never realized how many kitty pictures I "liked" on Tumblr so here I am sharing them with you!

this pretty lady's birthday is today!♥
I know she's not a kitty of any kind (but Mr. Little Jeans counts!), but she's a very special lady indeed! Miss Susannah is celebrating her 25th year of life today and since we can't be in Chicago to celebrate with her, you should all go send her well wishes and happy birthdays galore! She's one of my most favorite people in the whole wide world and I wish I could be there! Love you, BeanPot!

♥ this hilarious angelic kitty ♥

♥ these crayola kitties ♥

♥ this sweet basketcase kitty ♥

♥ this observant kitty ♥

this kitty in distress ♥

♥ these whimsical kitties ♥

♥ this pretty kitty ♥

♥ this partyin' kitty ♥

♥ this fluffy kitty ♥

♥ this silly kitty illustration ♥

♥ this fat cat ♥

this HILARIOUS youtube video (CLICK!) ♥

♥ this creepy kitty ♥

Which kitty melts your heart the most?

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