Wednesday 22 June 2011

Country Cabin Bumpkin

These were shot on the porch of the little abandoned cabin I shared earlier today. The rustic red wood of the place really set such a beautiful tone. I thought paired nicely with a crisp white summer dress and navy cardigan. This is another BeBop dress (same as this yellow one, and the sister dress to this purple one... which I also have in white!) It's the perfect fit and length for a sweet, summer frock! The belt, of course, is one of my thrifted favorites and the cardi is one I shall never part with! The sandals are old, old OLD Old Navy sandals from so many moons ago! They miraculously survived the flood last year and this is the first I've worn them in ages. I felt very "Hollister" in this outfit with the beachy blonde hair but I wasn't opposed. High school me would have been proud, I'm sure. 

By the time you read this Mike and I will be back on our way to Nashville. Settling into home for the evening and tending to errands, bills, shipping packages and filling orders. Then loading up once more tomorrow morning! I can't wait to share the excitement with you I have about what's coming up! 

This weekend was kind of a blur. On Saturday we were outside with Mike's camera and I laid my iPhone on my car to help him pick up his camera gear since it started coming one heck of a storm all of a sudden. Hardest rain and wind I've seen in a while. I realized I didn't have my phone for a few hours and we left the house for some lunch and he found it on the hood of my car. Drenched. Hours and hours in a bowl of rice and to no avail. My sweet little iPhone 4 was busted. (I'm notoriously bad with iPhones. I've lost them, run them over with my car... yes, really, thrown them in buckets of Pinesol water, and now, left them in a tornado). I think it irritates the beejesus out of Mike.. ha! My parents were angels though and offered to buy me a new one to replace mine. I cried a lot. I felt like such a screw up. You see, I'm kind of absent minded. I don't mean to be. Mike chocks it up to me wearing dresses. He said if I wore pants then I'd have a pocket to put my phone in. But since I only wear dresses, my phone simply has nowhere to go. I doubt I'll change my style up anytime soon so here's to hoping I can keep my new white phone in one piece (and dry! and in my possession!)

Anyone else out there super absentminded? Humor me... tell me the most ridiculous thing you've ever done. GO!

BeBop dress via Ross
Thrifted belt
Forever 21 cardigan
Old Navy sandals

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